Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Livestock Basics

I was reading a modern homesteading piece on MotherEarthNews.com today. The article was about planning the perfect homestead. It had a small side piece on the perfect livestock for your space. Many people dream of running off to the country and buying a large acreage. However, space shouldn't necessarily be a deterrant if you don't have 10, 20, 40 acres. You CAN live a self-sufficient life anywhere and zoning aside, you can keep animals on small holdings too.They provided a general guide for the most beneficial animals to keep on your land and what they would require of you as an owner/carer. Just goes to show you can start as big or small as you want.

This is what they say...

Suggested minimum space for one animal 

One hive, or wooden beekeeping box for (Average 20,000 bees/colony)
Type of food: Pollen, nectar
Benefits: Honey, wax, pollination  garden and orchard

Suggested minimum space for one animal:

Housing: 3 to 4 square feet/bird
Types of food: Pasture, greens, insects, cracked corn, a balanced poultry ration

Benefits: Eggs, meat, pest control

Suggested minimum space for one animal
Housing: 5 to 6 square feet/bird

Pond access optional 
Types of food: Pasture, greens, snails, insects, cracked corn, supplemental pellets

Benefits: Eggs, meat, pest control  

Suggested minimum space for one animal
Housing: 20 to 25 square feet

Pasture area: 0.2 to 6 acres
Type of food: Pasture in the summer; hay and  supplemental grain in the winter; salt and mineral mix

Benefits: Meat, milk, manure, control of brush

Suggested minimum space for one animal 
Housing: 15 to 20 square feet

Pasture area: 0.2 to 8 acres  
Types of food: Pasture in the summer; hay and supplemental grain in the winter;
trace-mineralized salt at all times
Benefits: Meat, milk, manure, wool, "mowing" grass, weed control

Suggested minimum space for one animal:
Housing: 48 square feet with exercise yard 
Types of food: Pasture, corn and soybean meal, small grains (wheat, oats, barley, etc.

Benefits: Meat, manure, "tilling" garden spaces

Suggested minimum space for one animal
Housing: 50 to 75 square feet
Pasture area: 1 to 40 acres
Types of food: Pasture, supplemental feeds such as shelled corn, soybean meal, molasses
and rice bran, crop residues, hay
Benefits: Meat, milk, manure

*The acreage and feed requirements above are general guides. The lower ends of the pasture suggestions are for rainy areas, the higher figures are for arid regions. The types of food that animals need can vary widely depending on the farming methods being used.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

One Little Acre

This is what you can do with one acre!

I would have my farm laid out differently.. and I'm intending to have considerably more than one acre. But this photo is just an inspiration to show what you really can do with an acre of land. If you want a few animals, want to grow your own veggies... you can. :)